programs in Spain
- Academic Year (september to june)
- Fall semester (september to january)
- Spring semester ( february to june)
- Fall trimester (september to december)
- Spring trimester (february to april)
- Two month (upon de year, depending on availabilty)
In the past years, interest in the Spanish Language and Culture has been continuously growing.
That is the reason why many schools have introduced Spanish as the first or second foreign language in their programs.
Many students come every year to Spain on one of our programs, attending Spanish High Schools and living with Spanish families.
14 to 18 years
Grades 9, 10, 11 and 12
High School Grades if needed
Host family
All our students attend public schools enjoying the same rights and obligations as their Spanish classmates. InterHispania, through our Local Coordinators, is responsible for the enrollment at the schools before the students arrive in Spain, and covering all expenses that the enrollment
procedure may require. However, it is the student who will have to pay all extra expenses at the school, e.g. schoolbooks, sport clothes, etc. The student must bring money for books, extra activities and possible trips.
Host family
A Host Family welcomes and hosts an international exchange student during the stay in Spain.
The Host Family helps the student not only adapt to their lifestyle but also integrate into their culture. The Host Family also has an opportunity to learn and grow through accepting an student with a different language and cultural background. To ensure a successful year for both host family and student, InterHispania establishes certain rules and procedures. Our Local Coordinators work closely with the Host Families and the students giving them constant support
and assistance.
Local Coordinator
A Local Coordinator is to interview family candidates for the coming students. They must also ensure that the family understands and accepts the responsibilities that entails having an exchange student. Families must also be willing to provide protection to students, help with the language and provide a comfortable place to live.
We offer city and area guarantees for those students wanting to have a say in their placement.
If a student is flexible and doesn’t require a guarantee, we will place in the best family match possible.
The Barcelona Orientation is Friday to Sunday and is voluntarily and offered for all students arriving on the set program dates in September and January.
We organise a Madrid trip in January for those students who are interested in visiting the capital of Spain and enjoying the company of other exchange students after several months of being in the program. Time for sharing experiences!
- Good physical and mental health
- Some basic Spanish is recommended
- Good passing grades
- Interest in learning Spanish and being in Spain
- Mature, flexible, social and openminded students